Remodeling your home in a way that makes it more functional and enjoyable for the next couple of decades is usually worth any reasonable expense and effort. But what if you are planning to sell your home sooner rather than later? The fact is, few large-scale remodeling projects add enough equity value to your home to realize a profit, let alone break even, when the house is sold.

But that doesn’t mean that all improvements prior to selling are a bad idea. There are plenty of home upgrades that will help you sell your home—and perhaps at a higher price—without a risky investment. The best approach is to follow some industry rules of thumb and to do some research before committing to a project.

Consider Break-Even Remodels to Attract Buyers
It’s not necessarily a success to spend money on a bathroom remodel only to recoup the same amount from the sale. However, if your home has a critical area (such as a primary bathroom or a kitchen) that causes potential buyers to turn on their heels and walk out the door, a redo might be worthwhile. Even if the rest of your house is in acceptable condition, one horrifying area might drag down the rest of the house.